"Debasing" is an odd word to use for something irrelevant. If it is important to someone that Israel is populated by a "pure" race, that someone is a racist. And that isn't some kind of value judgement, just a definition. One who cares about race, to the extent that it is a major basis for judgement in a significant decision, is a racist.
Whether that is an absolute bad thing is another question. There may, at times, be morally licit reasons to consider race. For example, I was once in a block club in a tough neighborhood. We decided it was neccessary to confront a certain housefull of people. Because the people were dangerous and black, the group that did the confronting was made up of large black men (I might add that these were responsible, educated, hard-working men with whom I was proud to be associated) and I was excluded on the basis of race. It was a racist decision, but the goal was to make our point ("we don't approve of car theft and drug dealing here, and while you are at it, plant some grass or something on that dirt") without triggering the racial problems that might occur if there were whites in the group. It was a moral decision.