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New The IM thread
This is where I'm proposing we put our Instant Messaging IDs. Specifically, since I downloaded Trillian, and I know a few of you are using it.

Yahoo: thanewalkup
ICQ: 1361099
AIM: TheRealInThane (since somebody already took InThane)

Oddly enough, I have a (totally faked with tons of bogus info) MS Passport - but I don't even use that, since it's a piece of shite.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
New Re: The IM thread
ICQ 2569633
AIM stevedlowe
yahoo stevedlowe
msn stevedlowe@hotmail.com (don't email me here, I never use it)
New Re: The IM thread
aim- bepatient
y!- xbepatientx

gave up ICQ eons ago.
MSN sucks

You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Re: The IM thread
AIM : TheCargoCult

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Re: The IM thread
ICQ: 148869221

that is all
I can't be a Democrat because I like to spend the money I make.
I can't be a Republican because I like to spend the money I make on drugs and whores.
New Re: The IM thread
AIM: MVitale42
YIM: MVitale42
ICQ: Don't use anymore
MSN: Bite me.

Real programmers use "vi a.out".
New Re: etc etc blah blah
yahoo aminusfu
A stupid despot may constrain his slaves with iron chains; but a true politician binds them even more strongly by the chain of their own ideas;...despair and time eat away the bonds of iron and steel, but they are powerless against the habitual union of ideas, they can only tighten it still more; and on the soft fibres of the brain is founded the unshakable base of the soundest of Empires."

Jacques Servan, 1767
New Re: The IM thread
ICQ: 63446065
Microsoft antitrust violations - is it possible to be any more guilty, except using violence?
New IM... what's that???
Oh yeah I know what it is!!!

ICQ: 8114629
Yahoo: gregfolkert
AIM: WindowsXtraPain
IMessenger(MS): gfolkert@mailhot.moc

Just to let you all know, I used to use them alot, but seldom do now. Maybe I should change that.

Yeah I know the edit (MSIM) is bogus.. but hey gimme a break.. AIM is now correct...

greg, curley95@attbi.com -- REMEMBER ED CURRY!!!

Keep software free. Oppose the CBDTPA. Kill S.2048 dead.
Expand Edited by gfolkertold April 24, 2002, 09:07:27 PM EDT
Expand Edited by gfolkertold April 24, 2002, 09:10:36 PM EDT
Expand Edited by gfolkertold April 25, 2002, 05:50:01 PM EDT
New Re: The IM thread
Yahoo -- gigiassa

New Re: The IM thread
AIM: ArkadiyBelou

(we use AIM extensively for business communicatons)
New Re: The IM thread
I'm seldom on, (will try and change the habit)

when I'm on the Y! I'm jvl_n2k
on the AIM I'm Meerkatiwt

However the times I am online (and not at work) , I'm most likely to be logged in to Iwethey Interactive.

So, see you ... somewhere!

On and on and on and on,
and on and on and on goes John.
     The IM thread - (inthane-chan) - (11)
         Re: The IM thread - (Steve Lowe) - (1)
             Re: The IM thread - (bepatient)
         Re: The IM thread - (pwhysall)
         Re: The IM thread - (drewk)
         Re: The IM thread - (Yendor)
         Re: etc etc blah blah - (tseliot)
         Re: The IM thread - (warmachine)
         IM... what's that??? - (folkert)
         Re: The IM thread - (GBert)
         Re: The IM thread - (Arkadiy)
         Re: The IM thread - (Meerkat)

There ARE supposed to be two as-es there!
133 ms