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New Is M$ trying to chill the internet marketplace?
[link|http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/23/24976.html|Microsoft accuses industry of Web services hype]

My translation:

"We [M$] aren't ready to monopolize this market yet, so y'all just chill out fer apace. When we're good and ready for domination, we'll say it's the greatest, and that we innovated it. Then y'all kin buy our stuff."

Right? Wrong?

Brian Bronson
New Right.
That is, your translation.

Web Services is about the most widely used and least understood buzzword out there at the moment.

I think it's funny :)
New Hey, this may be a good thing!
If the General Corpulence translates "Web Services" as "give a bunch of your money to Micros~1", then let them misunderstand all they wnat! In fact, we should do all we can to further that (mis)conception. It will be the Death of .NET!

(Hey, BillG(e) is not the only one who can spread FUD, you know...)

(Emphasis added per Sir Cyclic's eagle-eyez...)

(Resistance is not futile...)
Expand Edited by jb4 April 23, 2002, 07:23:25 PM EDT
Expand Edited by jb4 April 23, 2002, 07:23:51 PM EDT
New Y.M, "...is NOT the only one who...", right?
New Right...
My motto is: "If I could type, I'd be done by now..."

thanks for catching it...text updated.(Dammit!!!)
(Resistance is not futile...)
New Maybe a little of both
While I don't doubt that Micros~1 wouldn't stoop to such tactics, I don't believe that is their prime mover; I really believe that the General Corpulence is finally getting a clue that Micros~1 is not a good playmate, and they just don't want to play with them anymore.

(Or, certainly, not on Micros~1's terms, anyway...)
(Resistance is not futile...)
New Re: Gartner said last year, MS had plan but no substance

on Web Services - in fact it was generaly said that MS's blueprint for Web Services appeared to be the best (but that always seemed more like an opinion than a fact to me). I have long believed that IBM's incredible cosying up to MS over Web Services was an IBM strategy to rush MS into a market they lacked the substance for but that IBM was well prepared for, by doing so IBM is expecting to 'rush' MS right over a precipice.

Sun has come to the party late but to its credit, doesn't have to do anywhere near the effort MS needed to do in order to come up with credible, scalable Web based middleware servers or middleware OOT (because of Java). In the Server dept - MS credibility is shot to bits, in the programming area - MS have a hell of a lot of work to do to morph VB into C#.

MS seems to have not worked out their revenue model for Web Services & appear to be facing the reality that people won't agree to having an MS money-drain tap attached directly to their revenue streams.

IBM plan to make their revenue through their Global Services org - MS don't have a credible service org.

Sun seem to be building one around web technologies.



Edit#1:tidy grammar & clarify a few remarks

Expand Edited by dmarker2 April 24, 2002, 03:07:07 AM EDT
New Oooh - that is so sneaky of IBM! But I like it.

"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New DID you guys take a close look at the Register's header ???
(a copy of the original link in 1st post at top)
[link|http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/23/24976.html|MS Web Scs story at Register]

I just noticed the header now (*after* having made my original post above re IBM & what it seems to be doing to MS re Web Services).

What does Register mean by using IBM logo & adding words "In association with IBM" - is this a spoof ? - am I really reading this ??? - one could get the impression IBM provided the story !!!.


Doug Marker

This link is to MS own claims re their leadership as implementors & visionaries regarding Web Services (they quote Gartner chart but it is interesting that the chart is dated long before anyone saw any substantive Web Services software)

[link|http://www.msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/productinfo/babylon.asp|ms Claims to Web Services leadership]

Edit#1: added link to MS stuff on Web Services
Expand Edited by dmarker2 April 24, 2002, 03:42:54 AM EDT
New Noticed but ignored; assumed advertisement
I just assume anything in the banner location is an advertisement, so I don't pay much attention to the contents.

Makes one think, though.

Brian Bronson
New Naah, that's just an ad - think I've seen it often recently.
It seems the _Reg_ is selling "branded locations", or whatchamacallit, for their ads: Whenever an article is on a certain subject, it gets an ad from a certain advertiser to accompany it. Has anybody else noticed how every article on telecom for the last month or two has had those big red Vodafone banners[*] both across and down the left side? IBM "branding" every _Reg_ "Web Services" seems rather natural... And, yes -- in this context -- funny, too.

[*]: Do they do anything funny on your machines? On mine, they're just big sheets of solid red -- but they eat processor power like crazy! Yes, I *am* sure of this. I have repeatedly done the "right-click, open-in-new-window" dance on a bunch of _Reg_ articles, seen my machine slow down via "Molasses" to "Glacial", and gotten it back speed by (reading and) closing only those _Reg_ browser windows that had the Vodafone ad. Just leaving them open -- even minimized! -- has heated up my work laptop so its little fan had to sound like a freeaking overloaded jet at take-off; close 'em, and the virulent green of the Task Manager tray icon goes back down to about zero where it ususally is, and the fan too shuts down after a while. WTF is it they're trying to do, play some stupid Craptive-X animation or something?
   Christian R. Conrad
Of course, who am I to point fingers? I'm in the "Information Technology" business, prima facia evidence that there's bats in the bell tower.
-- [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=27764|Andrew Grygus]
New Went there with filters off..
LH side ad gave a broken icon, so I opened it in new window - which was addressed to "ad.doubleclick.net" + Reg yada. Alas [for It] *That* POS is in my hosts file, so automatically ---> purgatory, thus I couldn't see phenom. I did.. notice that, during this trial - the 'loading stripe' in task-bar was moving a bit slower than usual. (But that wouldn't reflect its doing 16M polygons/sec and stuff.)

Nothing appeared on RH side of column.


Disgruntled Finnish laptop user sues ad.doubleclick for trashing its CPU. Angry mob with torches ties up traffic, carries risque signs.. something about a Back Orifice..
     Is M$ trying to chill the internet marketplace? - (bbronson) - (11)
         Right. - (Steve Lowe) - (3)
             Hey, this may be a good thing! - (jb4) - (2)
                 Y.M, "...is NOT the only one who...", right? -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                     Right... - (jb4)
         Maybe a little of both - (jb4) - (2)
             Re: Gartner said last year, MS had plan but no substance - (dmarker2) - (1)
                 Oooh - that is so sneaky of IBM! But I like it. -NT - (static)
         DID you guys take a close look at the Register's header ??? - (dmarker2) - (3)
             Noticed but ignored; assumed advertisement - (bbronson)
             Naah, that's just an ad - think I've seen it often recently. - (CRConrad) - (1)
                 Went there with filters off.. - (Ashton)

Rooms were made for carpets, towers made for spires. Ships were made for cannonade to fire off from inside them.
103 ms