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New and he doubles down
(more blogwhoring):


New Have I just espied a conflation of modrin syllogism rivaling
(say) the juxtaposition of

(i) The stupendous Colonel Bat Guano in-war-and-peace
(ii) The smarmy time-clock obtuseness of T.E.D. {Techno + er, 'Entertainment' via umm, Design-whoredom?}
all somehow folded, like a runny omelet, into
(iii) The gag [-me-with-a-spoon]-reflex … free-associations along with, Want more Pink Slime with your McWhopper today, chubby?

If so, thy Satisfiction Cup runneth over!--why … it's Treacle-down Econ meets The Feral Teen! Redux.

Or maybe it's just the euphonious Urschleim/slime-slouching-with-Dr. Strangelove subtext, which has produced a tad of cognitive dissonance in the internal wissenschafft, just now?

We all try to find escape from the vicious/slavering Mediocrity which each day's Non-news excretions tend to produce--upon realizing that these word-things within the mouths of execrable dastards
--IS 'our current country': even in the realm of physics
ie those nukes ARE sooo itching to show The World 'Real' Murican Power + all our other cha. cha. cha.s

(Today's entry from, Quake Quake Quake, A Leaden Treasury of English Verse:
The world is so full of a number of things
It's very surprising when somebody sings.)

[with illustration.]

Clearly we are INSIDE The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test V.2012--I should have paid that romp more Attention
Who Knew it was a bit of pre-history.. :-/

     Romney decides he doesn't have enough bad press, adds more - (jay) - (2)
         and he doubles down - (rcareaga) - (1)
             Have I just espied a conflation of modrin syllogism rivaling - (Ashton)

Close to the edge.
30 ms