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New Interesting choice of words
Depending on news source, he is either wanted for


Monday marks two years since Swedish prosecutors first issued a warrant for his arrest, alleging that he raped one woman and sexually molested another

Daily Mail

The 41-year-old was granted asylum by Ecuador on Thursday as he seeks to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he is wanted for questioning over sexual misconduct allegations.

Since the charges are total bullshit, and any journalist who researches it will see, it comes down to what side the publication is pushing.
New Both are true
There was an initial warrant which was dismissed. He is now wanted for questioning to determine whether further warrants may be applicable. Sweden requires an interview before issuing a warrant.
He is being given asylum because the US has a rather poor record of extraordinary rendition and human rights in general. Of course, rendition is no longer necessary since he just needs to be declared a terrorist (no proof necessary) and he may be detained incommunicado forever without any charges whatsoever as soon as his feet hit US soil.
It's good to live in the land of the free, isn't it?
     Interesting choice of words - (crazy) - (1)
         Both are true - (hnick)

Thothe boilth you have on your fathe are jutht in-THANE!
70 ms