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New It's not Sweden
As I remember it, Assange was concerned that Sweden would bundle him off to the U.S. once they had him.
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New Yup.
I suspect there will be an eventual compromise, or perhaps he'll be there long enough for any statute of limitations to expire on the potential assault charges. Of course, new charges can always be brought...


A subsequent offer by Ecuador to allow Swedish investigators to interview Mr Assange inside the embassy was rejected.

The Wikileaks website Mr Assange founded published a mass of leaked diplomatic cables that embarrassed several governments, particularly the US's, in 2010.

Mr Assange says he fears that if extradited to Sweden, he will then be passed on to the American authorities.

Assange has a pretty weak hand though...

New Pretty much
Speaking in the Ecuadorian capital, Quito, Patiño said that his country had offered to allow Assange's extradition to Sweden if it would guarantee that he would not be moved to the US, but that Sweden had not agreed. He denounced the UK threat to carry out its arrest orders, calling it an attempt at "blackmail," and said that Ecuador believed that Assange could not get a fair trial in the US.
Apparently Ecuador offered to hand him over if Sweden would promise not to ship him off to the US and Sweden refused.
     Ecuador grans Assange asylum, Uk threatens Ecuador Embassy - (jay) - (9)
         The Ecuadorians have opened a can of worms - (pwhysall) - (8)
             It's not Sweden - (malraux) - (2)
                 Yup. - (Another Scott)
                 Pretty much - (jay)
             Oh FU - (crazy) - (4)
                 Eh? - (pwhysall) - (2)
                     I don't think that is the primary issue here - (hnick)
                     No, you said a bit more - (crazy)
                 Plus, too: - (static)

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