Last I read, it's 'official' - photos *alone* are no longer
evidence, in US courts. IIRC this was a recent Appellate Court decision. Of course the reason is obvious; not merely PhotoShop. Everything can now be faked. We LOVE fakes. SO much more entertaining than actual life.
{sigh} We all know how reliable is "eye-witness testimony" - ask those pitiful few freed thus far from murder convictions - largely accomplished originally via sweet-deals with accomplices: to lie and convict. No photos w/o "provenance"! Can fingerprints be far behind? (Hear a rumour of That being assailed, too).
Seems that homo-sap is such a certifiably chronic liar: most anything presented in 'evidence' might be BS. Except so far - DNA (and we may be certain that there is great scurrying to find a way to mess with That, SAP).
Just HOPE - you never find self in a 'court', especially if you're a practising Zoroastrian or Cargo Cultist.