Post #36,164
4/22/02 8:13:56 PM

Kurdistan, like Palestine, is just a dream.
There is no [link||Kurdistan]. It's just a part of Iraq that Saddam doesn't control where the Kurds are a majority as they are in adjoining Kurd areas in Turkey and Iran.
"Never express yourself more clearly than you think." -- Neils Bohr (1885-1962)
Post #36,213
4/23/02 10:55:35 AM

Palestine isn't a dream. It's a geographical region.
The Kurds are unequivocally a distinct ethnic group. Now that doesn't amount to much according to my way of thinking, but it's more than can be said for the Palestinians.
[link||http://www.angelfir...e/index.html] Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes. If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
Post #36,229
4/23/02 12:01:22 PM

So what can you say about Israel and Israelis?
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened." -- Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
Post #36,260
4/23/02 3:39:19 PM

Israel is a democratic nation. Israelis are mostly Jews.
And the Jews are descendants of long time inhabitants of Palestine, from way back. They've got an ehtnic identity built on something more noble than mere jealousy of other groups. These people were attempting to apply ethical codes at a time when their neighbors were practicing human sacrifice. Come to think of it, their current neighbors are practising human sacrifice of a sort.
Was your question in earnest? Sometimes it's hard to tell.
[link||http://www.angelfir...e/index.html] Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes. If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
Post #36,306
4/23/02 9:23:14 PM

Well, Israeli Jews are not so pure anymore.
They came from Europe, the US, Asia and Africa too. In each of those places they were debased by the local stock.
Their form of human sacrifice is to shoot 3000 rounds/minute, not to mention anti-tank missiles, at Palestinian homes. Then there is the innovative weapon of mass destruction called the armored bulldozer to destroy homes and crush them on the occupants. What could be more noble?
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened." -- Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
Post #36,346
4/24/02 9:19:54 AM

flamethrowers like the old days (BAEL)
Post #36,369
4/24/02 12:21:52 PM

Desperate moral equivalence, and racism, too!
Unless you meant "debased by the local stock" as some sort of metaphor.
Take note, Ben and boxley. I am here using the term "racism" in the proper sense, as opposed to conflating race with culture, as is the common practise these days among the beebling classes.
[link||http://www.angelfir...e/index.html] Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes. If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
Post #36,373
4/24/02 12:51:02 PM

Sure, Im in
you said "Unless you meant "debased by the local stock" as some sort of metaphor."
He meant it literally and mixing races is Miscegenation not racism. larn ta spik murican. thanx, bill
Post #36,394
4/24/02 2:46:53 PM

Yeah, but complaining about it is
"Debasing" is an odd word to use for something irrelevant. If it is important to someone that Israel is populated by a "pure" race, that someone is a racist. And that isn't some kind of value judgement, just a definition. One who cares about race, to the extent that it is a major basis for judgement in a significant decision, is a racist.
Whether that is an absolute bad thing is another question. There may, at times, be morally licit reasons to consider race. For example, I was once in a block club in a tough neighborhood. We decided it was neccessary to confront a certain housefull of people. Because the people were dangerous and black, the group that did the confronting was made up of large black men (I might add that these were responsible, educated, hard-working men with whom I was proud to be associated) and I was excluded on the basis of race. It was a racist decision, but the goal was to make our point ("we don't approve of car theft and drug dealing here, and while you are at it, plant some grass or something on that dirt") without triggering the racial problems that might occur if there were whites in the group. It was a moral decision.
I am not a man, I am a free number.
Post #36,400
4/24/02 3:06:06 PM

What is a Jew?
bluke will disagree but my definition is "would herr hitler want you in an oven" no questions of when you went to the synagogue, whose the father/mother etc. Just by definition of external inclusion or exclusion. Now alex is correct in saying there has been a lot of mixing over the years both voluntary and not. The question remains not that Israel is a race based nation, but a place where only Jews decide who gets to kill Jews. thanx, bill
Post #36,408
4/24/02 3:27:15 PM

Taken altogether..
Both you and bluke appear to have correctly noted that - 'world opinion', not to mention the entire set of groups surrounding Israel: have now for decades omitted Israeli participation in the UN, esp. on relevant committees. This while other nations have transgressed similarly (and often enough committing even larger 'crimes' than Isr. is accused of).
Overall then, it appears that the same sort of fucking with language; basic distortion to such a degree that dialogue is rendered impossible - as characterizes every Murican political 'campaign' - is also the World Standard, 2002.
Given this heavily weighted anti-Israel cant and the intransigence of the now intellectual/emotional pipsqueaks at the head of States in 2002 (where did all the Statesmen go ??) -- I can't see how a coming conflagration can be avoided. Anti-Semitism appears to be the last refuge of a regiment of scoundrels, and even Language has had to be corrupted to 'justify' its continuance, create the latest euphemisms to deny that this attitude lies behind the UN discrimination and.. all the others.
[oil] is Always In There. I fear that [oil] shall force next events -- certainly nothing like Integrity shall be employed. 'We' have become whores for cheap energy.. cheap in $ and in short-term expedience: Expensive in self-respect. Devoid of Honor where [oil] and world-control is the prize.
Luck... and damn clever strategy.. to any Honest Brokers left (?) We have no Gandhis anywhere, now.
Ashton homo-sap: The Lying Animal (intergalactic encyclop\ufffddia)