My wife's niece just moved to a house with central air, so they no longer needed their window AC units. Happy to send them my way.
I was told there was a big one and 2 little ones. Not sure what that meant. When i went to pick them up, I saw the big one had a special plug. Just like the 220 line in my office/attic area.
1800 BTUs, not too loud.
I had to strap it to an industrial hand truck (what, doesn't everyone have an industrial hand truck hanging around?) and then the boy and I humped it up the steps, 1 at a time, slowly. I pulled, he pushed.
It fit in the window with 1/2 inch to spare. Phew. I screwed a 2x4 across window frame right above it, to make sure it doesn't move.
I'm going to cut a large duct through the attic ceiling into my bedroom closet, and have a serious cool breeze coming in with no noise. YAY!