And that's just re nuclear..
India, China, [all the 'rising' Asian folk] anticipate unlimited GROWTH, un-leavened by any thought of Malthus/world population
== much closer to the species-blindness under whose umbrella falls: all the other psychologically-Insoluble topics you can put in that spreadsheet.
Example the first: So, here's 600M sans power today.. planning $B100s for as rapid expansion next, as possible.
As the US, its RobberBaron replacement for all those 18th century stirring democratic dreams, faces a precipitous decline [only the slope might be arguable]
--the above folk shall easily transcend our most wasteful years (aided then by the free-money of perpetual borrowing),
back when that still looked like 'an Economy'.
Personally, I'm grateful for each of the 'sci-fi' (really actual literate extrapolation--we now see more clearly) via which my mentation can, at least limn..
the projections from the current miasma of absence-of critical thinking, compounded by crass logical-think --so flawed as to be evident to any bright tyke.
Of course, the madness ahead (to be feared in Any of us) may reach beyond what those stirring tales of the Eloi taught us about, as 'fiction'.
None of us does welcome this BraveCowardly New World (unless bonkers already, like the Colorado glock-geek.)
And I hadn't conceived being around when the Murican Dream (and Int'l equivalents) crashed through actually being examined.
Interesting Times ... to coin a phrase.
I Who Be Was
.. jes lookin fer loophoes, Son; lookin fer loopholes.
--W. C. Fields
Law above fear, justice above law, mercy above justice, love above all.