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New Of course we can do Nation Building...
after all...it's not that hard. First thing we do is get rid of Chavez..er...Saddam. Then we find a nice replacement that will promise to be democratic, disband the Legislative and Judicial branches of Government and give us a really good price on oil. Probably a chap named Carmona.
New Oops. :)
I was thinking more along the lines of a new Marshal Plan (with the same results as we had in Europe).

You're right. We'll elevate the next crew who will happily oppress another bunch while we funnel money and weapons to our new "allies" until they start to get too independant and don't do what the US corporate interests want them to do.

     Making plans to oust Saddam - (marlowe) - (7)
         Something to think about. - (Brandioch) - (6)
             Of course we can do Nation Building... - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
                 Oops. :) - (Brandioch)
             Also, there is no mention of Turkey. - (a6l6e6x)
             (OT) Don't you mean "than" rather than "then"? -NT - (static)
             Yep, something to think about. - (marlowe) - (1)
                 Re: Yep... - (Simon_Jester)

It got me an A+ on a psych paper.
122 ms