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New I think there's something we should watch a lot closer.
Body armor. Why are people allowed to buy that stuff? Remember the 1997 bank robbery? There's no sane reason to wear that stuff - EVER. And when a lunatic or a criminal dons it, well, we've seen what happens.
New Okay...
*NOW* you are taking the Rich People rights away.

They should have the right to wear body armor to protect themselves... along with the rolling tank vehicles they can get.

Next thing you'll be saying is that these rolling armored cars are illegal also.

How dare you take away the right of the rich to buy what they want.

Heck, this would piss off my Step Dad... he bought 12 new guns and rifles at a Gun show in Florida and then promptly drove to Michigan with them in his 2012 GMC Denali. Along with about 8,000 round of the various needed ammo.

You expect him to follow the laws you lowly people have to? Feh.

He drives at 90+MPH everyday... all the time. He gets pulled over and get given warnings, since he is an 83 year old Rich man, he doesn't have to follow the laws.

He throws fits if someone wants to borrow and payback $5000, putting an inordinate amount of rules and restrictions down, but he will was $12,000 over winter to heat his Michigan house and huge insulate pole barn to 75F. Just because he can.

Or spend $22,000 on a new bike and then dump it and sell it for $12,000 because he doesn't like it any more (or never).

Yeah... stop putting rules and regulations down that rich people might have to follow.

New Re: Okay...
Sounds like another Gary Cooper/John Galt wannabe..

I've Got Mine.. Fuck You (All!)

Another word for that mechanical quality, seen in meat-form: solipsist.
Pity to have one of these somewhat 'near-by' ... condolences.

Worst of all: the Ones who can waste the most energy/resources/Chances! to stabilize the planet.. maybe:
WASTE exponentially MORE (as their net worth increases.)

(Now, if the richest+oldest are measurably [??] the Worst of all classes of polluters/wastrels
--does this make $Geriatricide OK With Jesus?) Or just with Infidels.


Law above fear, justice above law, mercy above justice, love above all.
New So now protective fabric should be illegal?
Very simple.

Maybe I want to walk a few blocks deeper into my neighborhood and feel a bit safer.

Because a couple of guys used it as part of a robbery (yeah, hell of a PBS show on it), you are saying it should be some type of tracked or forbidden item?

What about regular fabric plus steel plates? What about cotton to make the fabric and iron ore to make the plates? Now THIS is a slippery slope!

What next, kitchen knives?

New Umm ...
What next, kitchen knives?
Was it England where someone wanted to outlaw pointed kitchen knives? After all, what use is stabbing in preparing food?

New Can anyone above give me a rational use for body armor?
In civilian life, that is.
New Blasting technicians at mines? (Yeah, it's a stretch.)
New I ALREADY gave one
I wasn't kidding.


Now stop being an asshole.
New Ever heard of Hough?

You couldn't pay me enough to work night shift at a convenience store in Hough. But if you tried, you'd better start by providing body armor.

New Hough?
You should have seen it in the 70's during the riots. Fun times...
New Benton Harbor, MI?
Yeah... Until they demolished over 80% of what used to be downtown... including abandoned housing, crime was something you avoided by driving through downtown on the way to St. Joesph, MI... without stopping for the lights.

Walking through it? BWAHAHHA.

Even the Police didn't go there *WITH* Body Armor.
New Well, you still want to prohibit it?
Or add it to a watch list so the government can track it?
     Assault deaths in the USA. - (Another Scott) - (23)
         I'm getting tired of this. - (mmoffitt) - (1)
             Sure it is - (crazy)
         "Gun laws and the slippery slope" - (rcareaga) - (17)
             Non comparable - (crazy)
             On the other hand . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (3)
                 Another difference - (drook) - (2)
                     Yabut what's an unloaded firearm? - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                         Close - (drook)
             I think there's something we should watch a lot closer. - (mmoffitt) - (11)
                 Okay... - (folkert) - (1)
                     Re: Okay... - (Ashton)
                 So now protective fabric should be illegal? - (crazy) - (8)
                     Umm ... - (drook) - (7)
                         Can anyone above give me a rational use for body armor? - (mmoffitt) - (6)
                             Blasting technicians at mines? (Yeah, it's a stretch.) -NT - (Another Scott)
                             I ALREADY gave one - (crazy)
                             Ever heard of Hough? - (drook) - (2)
                                 Hough? - (hnick) - (1)
                                     Benton Harbor, MI? - (folkert)
                             Well, you still want to prohibit it? - (crazy)
         Well, now we know what Mitt thinks - (malraux)
         Now if you live in/visit Chicago.. - (Ashton) - (1)
             Thankfully, the Loop is clear. - (mvitale)

The concept of a power-up hadn't been invented yet.
140 ms