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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Cats are away
Off to new adventures.

It is a good thing. I'll keep telling myself that. Because it is true.
Badass! (and delicious)
New Good news. Remember the good times.
New They do seem to adapt with minimal trauma. Usually.
Not-so with horses, I gather.

Heard today a horrific tale of a pair, a very old horse plus a younger one: pasture mates for some few years.
Then the young owner of the younger horse one day brought in a trailer and loaded her horse.
The commotion, frantic neighing/body language of both: needed no human words to comprehend.
Even out-of-sight as the trailer disappeared: it could be Heard.
Such an ugly scene to contemplate..Humans can be such nasty Me-Me-Me oblivious Bastards!

(For whatever combination of 'reasons', the elder was killed shortly thereafter;
unclear to what extent 'compassion' was involved in that decision--given the general attitude of "ITs" 'owner'.)
Fortunately I heard not.. of the psyche of the younger horse, taken away by its owner--of whatever %sentience.

Some cats--normally solitary hunters--clearly bond in similar fashion/suffer quite as evidently, when separated;
some %unknown of humans have been known to relent in such cases. Others, as we know, Care-not or ... See-not.

Glad yours stayed together. Good job.

New Seem to be doing OK
Their new humans have posted pictures of them looking relaxed in their new environment.
Badass! (and delicious)
     Cats are away - (mhuber) - (3)
         Good news. Remember the good times. -NT - (Another Scott)
         They do seem to adapt with minimal trauma. Usually. - (Ashton) - (1)
             Seem to be doing OK - (mhuber)

Bog is bolshy, and the evil prestoopniks will be the losers!
34 ms