Yabut.. this all is an Expected phenomenon when one lives
in "the World-of-Opposites" (also/and lately, as easily retitled:)
Within a World of Digital-think, famously about Yes/No ... but lacking the panache/nuance of, Yes/Maybe?/No..
Examples are myriad, about maya, our daily world of illusionary ideas and things.
Just one, of that myriad:
A) 'Times' are tough for everyone but the top 10-15% (arguable #s, of course.)
B) Those with half-a-brain, functioning still--logically Would cut back on all optional/'frivolous' acquisitions of Yet-More-STUFF!
(cf. Geo Carlin on houses. Built solely to store STUFF.)
C) But BUT... to keep the Consumer Dream-fluff Basis for "what liff is all about" still limping along:
D) Jus' Everyone Needs to throw all sanity to the winds and go out and Order/Buy/Use/Send-to-landfill ... ...
... even MORE stuff than back in the good ol' daze of MaxxedOut-CCs,==The Norm in Murica.
See? Reconcile That with 'logic', Reason VS the prevailing Mythos. Our 'System' fits Our cherished illusions, n'est ce pás?
eg You are railing about S.N.A.F.U. Might as well cavil about Tiny Tim's fasetto..
Law above fear, justice above law, mercy above justice, love above all.