Post #36,062
4/21/02 7:34:30 AM
Just had to share :-)
[link||The iMac indoctrinates people into Evolutionism!]
One sincerely hopes this is satire, but one fears that it is not...
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal]
Post #36,074
4/21/02 12:17:17 PM
Hee hee hee. :)
Darwin, PAGANS!, Open Source, Godless COMMUNISTS!, Pokemon's pro-Darwinism propaganda is inescapable They try to hide all of this under a facade of shiny, "lickable" buttons, but the truth has finally come out: Apple Computers promote Godless Darwinism and Communism. Well, at least they aren't promoting Satanism. OR ARE THEY!!!!! (dum dum DUMMMMMMMMM!!!) It is now Apple Computers offering us temptation, thereby aligning themselves with the forces of darkness SATAN! SATAN! SATAN! Apparently the Darwin OS is not the original creation of Apple Computers but is instead based off of an older, obsolete OS called "BSD Unix". "obsolete"? This OS -- and its Darwin offspring -- extensively use what are called "daemons" (which is how Pagans write "demon" -- they are notoriously poor spellers: magick, vampyre, etc.) which is a program that hides in the background, doing things without the user's notice. If u cn rd ths, u may b a Pgn. According to one of our readers, the new MacOS X contains another Satanic holdover from the "BSD Unix" OS mentioned above; to open up certain locked files one has to run a program much like the DOS prompt in Microsoft Windows and type in a secret code: "chmod 666". DOS rulez!
Post #36,075
4/21/02 1:57:48 PM
That's the funniest thing I have seen in months.
Be sure to check out the other pages, the one about kangaroos is almost as funny as the Darwin propaganda one.
Of course, like any good fringe group they also have some pretty obnoxious stuff. [link||Landover Shutdown] is typical of the way these people think.
Post #36,077
4/21/02 2:39:37 PM
Landover Baptist is genius
And the weird thing is, my dad, who's a lay preacher and all-around deep-thinking spiritual-type, just about fell off his chair laughing when I emailed him the URI :-)
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal]
Post #36,078
4/21/02 3:15:21 PM
Why do I feel tempted...
to send them a letter explaining that BSD stands for Berkeley Standard Distribution and comes from the godless kids at Berkeley University (just like the hippy movement).
In fact BSD is a form of Unix. (Which is pronounced "eunuchs"...) Their mindset can be told from their naming basic commands things like fsck, mount and bash. The graphics subsystem is named X - guess what they think graphics are good for? And one has to wonder at how far back the Macintosh connection goes. For two random examples, a substantial amount of the system was written using a program known as "emacs", and a crashed program is known as a "core".
Cheers, Ben
"... I couldn't see how anyone could be educated by this self-propagating system in which people pass exams, teach others to pass exams, but nobody knows anything." --Richard Feynman
Post #36,167
4/22/02 8:41:48 PM
"Professor of Divinity and Theobiology"
!!! Words fail.
At least at the end, one may link directly to Revealed Truth via
\ufffd Return to OBJECTIVE: Creation Education
Can hardly wait for \ufffd God's Objective Plan for Genocide of the Infidels \ufffd
Post #36,169
4/22/02 8:48:55 PM
One thing still makes me wonder...
and that's the photos that go along with the biogs ... they've all been photoshopped to an extent - and some of them look pretty fake to me.
The site is so out there... can it be real?
Is anyone expected to take 'a boycott of Piggly-Wiggly' seriously? (Yes I know it's a real chain of shops, but still...)
One quietly wonders if it's a creation of Landover Baptist...
Meerkat the sceptic...
Post #36,171
4/22/02 9:17:19 PM
Last I read, it's 'official' - photos *alone* are no longer
evidence, in US courts. IIRC this was a recent Appellate Court decision. Of course the reason is obvious; not merely PhotoShop. Everything can now be faked. We LOVE fakes. SO much more entertaining than actual life.
{sigh} We all know how reliable is "eye-witness testimony" - ask those pitiful few freed thus far from murder convictions - largely accomplished originally via sweet-deals with accomplices: to lie and convict. No photos w/o "provenance"! Can fingerprints be far behind? (Hear a rumour of That being assailed, too).
Seems that homo-sap is such a certifiably chronic liar: most anything presented in 'evidence' might be BS. Except so far - DNA (and we may be certain that there is great scurrying to find a way to mess with That, SAP).
Just HOPE - you never find self in a 'court', especially if you're a practising Zoroastrian or Cargo Cultist.
Ashton No You May NOT Take My Picture
Post #36,473
4/24/02 11:45:29 PM
Last I heard, the forensic value wasn't really demonstrated.
The science was done on large, fresh, clean samples. The forensics are done on tiny, old, contaminated samples.
DNA is pretty much incontrovertible when there are large, clean samples. Otherwise, well, maybe there has been research I didn't hear about.
I am not a man, I am a free number.