What you missed
Spoiler alert, don't read the next page.
I mean it.
I really mean it.
I really really mean it. :)
Was the "Star Trek" wars were it became a religion, and became so bad that people are not supposed to even say those words. Of course Fry says them, and the "Police" are after him, and he hides inside of Bender to escape them.
Anyway the Star Trek people became heads in jars, built a space craft and all but Spock (Lenard Nimoy) went to outer space in a spaceship.
Fry goes to see Nimoy to find out what happened, and Nimoy agrees to go with Fry and company to the forbidden planet. When Spock/Nimoy's head is removed, Frakes' head comes in an takes his spot on the shelf.
They go to the planet, and the Trek people are given new bodies by a green cloud that is very powerful. It gives Nimoy a new body. It seems that the cloud is a Star Trek collector as the whole series of Star Trek tapes got shot into his planet, thus making it forbidden. The cloud makes a Trek Convention 3002 and has quiz shows, singing, autographs, etc. When Fry and crew try to escape, the cloud shoots them back down and then makes them fight the Trek people. Until the cloud's mother comes in and announces that dinner is ready. Thinking that the cloud is a child, everyone tries to find a way to reason with him, until the mother says "Child? He's 35!". So they use the Engines from the Trek ship, and put them on their ship. They get caught in a court marshall by Capt Brannigan(spelling?) and then later Fry tells the cloud to get a life, move out of mother's basement and take it one step at a time.
Anyway I think that about covers it in a nutshell.
I am free now, to choose my own destiny.