Could launch a whole genre, varying as usual, from doggerel to ... more brilliance (?)
..and I gots VHS {ugh--but a later model with gussied-up fixes for its By-design, lo-rez suckiness.}
As well: Super-Beta! (which continued to blow-away even the higher-rez 'Super'-VHS. Etc. cha cha ch
Only in Murica would a majority voluntarily give up super-sharp, clearer-color display to save a few $$ for tape usage / THEN:
Run the new ugly-rez format at super-slow! to save a few pennies more and insult the eye-brain forever!
[Brain sez:]
You Asshole! I have to interpolate just to see what this proseless-Death garbage you copied might have.. sorta-looked-like. IDIOT!
Thanks Again Sony/Akio! for being soo non-Murican / and having a soul.