[link|http://www.ubersoft.net/features/bothbarrels/20010820.html|Chris joins Studs Terkel]

..in underscoring Studs' famous remark.. ..today there are lots of communications; damn little communication.

OK.. after some chores n'such, will see how many filters I need to disable to invite a &*%*$ Pop-Up (haven't seen One yet - locked-down as well as I can locksmith).

In the past I may have seen one of these phantom invisible pages - drawn to such by noticing "a few pixels" in a square - right-click revealed some noxious name, but WWasher seemed to have left it there, all impotent and all..

Maybe some of your readers are still browsing NAKED ? A word about filters, and at least Zone Alarm for the Windoze group - in order, on the site? (Though that may conflict with the normal ads which Keenspot prolly needs to survive. Nothing is simple any more..) At least Moz .9.x has its own Pop-Up Eater - maybe mentioning That fact is less er.. fraught with implications than advocating general filtering (which defaults to pretty much all ads zapped).

Bet we all spend more time now, defending rather than 'enabling' - such is the MBA-IQ of the typ. mercantile mind: they *Would* rather piss us all off than - have their tawdry little BS-message ignored. It all started with the first #1 Piss-Off Ad of all time:



It's been all downhill, ever since..
