Why it is that some of us who Heard It almost-Live (even as kids.. one remembers the inflections in voices, esp. from Uniformed voices in newsreels) -- note a similarity of the Ashcroftian intellectual level of speech and.. the mechanisms of all propaganda: talk about fuzzy-warm / bloody-cold stuff as alternatives + 'We' shall keep you safe.. if you just go along with *this* little absurdity today.
Of course he isn't a pukka Nazi (!) yet his dogma is worn on his sleeve. As with all True Believers, he is *Certain* that his POV is the Right one for all. Clearly this is his mindset - after all, his IS the One True God.
And Nazism was.. The One True Way for the Aryan Master Race to er "manage the sheep". What were "we in the West" *Thinking Of*.. as we watched the F\ufffdehrer methodically following the plot-line of Mein Kampff -- year after year ???
(I know that I haven't the foggiest idea yet - of how so many missed so Much for so long. Why should we expect to be more astute about creeping gradualism.. two generations later?)
it sure is fascinating to watch, though..
(though automatic Jew-hatred is too familiar to be even moderately interesting - as with a herpes vulgaris sore in corner of mouth, that you've had for a week)