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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Start flippin them burgers...
...have you contacted The Reg yet?

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Yes... BUT
I didn't know exactly who to contact... I settled for one of the editors (Drew Cullen) since I figured they were more likely to make content-specific decisions than anyone else. AND, much to my dismay, I sent the letter from my dtcweb.com account instead of my ubersoft.net account... which makes the letter look that much more like spam. LOL

Oh well.
"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?"
- Edward Young
     Unemployment benefits end tomorrow. Wheeeeee. - (cwbrenn) - (4)
         Start flippin them burgers... - (pwhysall) - (1)
             Yes... BUT - (cwbrenn)
         well, some good news - (cwbrenn)
         Federal unemployment relief - (orion)

I bumped into a dot.
30 ms