As to that 'gumption'..
A common dis for the group, after the Holocaust became known. Thing is, that Ministry of Propaganda was the exact prototype for M$ Marketing (and I still maintain - Billy is G\ufffdbbels' bastard reincarnation).
There were movies of er 'resettlement villages', showing the children at play, the adults in the library.. fields of vegetables being tended. All orchestrated with the actors under penalty of instatnt death. Remember: never before had some State entity set about the methodical and *TOTAL* ahhihilation of an entire homo sap group.
Who would have suspected.. the actual deetination of the "resettlement trains" - BEFORE ??? As with 9/11 - never before had a passenger airliner been deemed a 'weapon'... 20/20 is Sooo convenient a judgment pulpit.
So most went along, until reports confirmed the unThinkable was the fact. Many (dunno #s anymore..),like my honorary Jewish Grandmother\ufffd Trude.. left Germany early - as the books began to be burnt and the rhetoric resembled a Montana Black Helicopter Prevention meeting. Later on.. that became near-impossible, and surrounding countries - like The Swiss for an odious example - collaborated with the Nazis in suppressing escape; returning escapees virtually and also in fact.
Tell me how easily *You* could get your act together, find transport (despite a plethora of 'permits', "taxes" on anything you might own, really RED tape): and leave your present locale for another country ... say, over a period of a few days or a week ? And.. would you ?
I suppose simply, that the ratio of bravery/cowardice among any group is: the same Gaussian. I don't need to 'suspect' that - family and other considerations.. keep folks anchored long after they have become apprehensive. Hell, some at IWE, offered work in another area -- cite the very same reasons for remaining in a local desert; remaining with Nazi-trained employers VS A Chance to do Better. (or.. just to live?) And they aren't exterminating slow-coders. Yet.
Rest case.