Post #35,855
4/18/02 7:41:44 AM
So you never heard of the Warsaw uprising?
Brutal oppression is tough to accept. And, some will resist in any way they can.
The Palestinian Arabs have had 35 years of brutal oppression.
What's this about starting a war, anyway?
"Never express yourself more clearly than you think." -- Neils Bohr (1885-1962)
Post #35,859
4/18/02 9:20:23 AM
The Jews in the Warsaw ghetto ...
never dreamed about killing innocent civilians with suicide bombs.
Post #35,874
4/18/02 10:49:42 AM
I wonder what they might have done...
...had they suffered under Nazi rule for 35 years.
From the Jews I know, they probably wouldn't resort to suicide bombing, but you never know...
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Post #35,876
4/18/02 10:55:37 AM
ROLF!!!! After 10 they would be dead!
The point of the nazis was to make sure no Jews were alive on this earth. The point of the Israeli/Pals is who gets to enjoy the dirt. thanx, Bill
Post #35,920
4/18/02 4:34:06 PM
Yeah, I know that...
And I know that the reason for the Warsaw Ghetto uprising was because the Germans tried to "liquidate" the camp.
Still, from the Jewish folk I have known, my feeling is that they'd just gripe about it a lot, and not actually do anything. :) Guess all the ones with gumption went to Israel, for better or worse...
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Post #35,935
4/18/02 5:29:04 PM
As to that 'gumption'..
A common dis for the group, after the Holocaust became known. Thing is, that Ministry of Propaganda was the exact prototype for M$ Marketing (and I still maintain - Billy is G\ufffdbbels' bastard reincarnation).
There were movies of er 'resettlement villages', showing the children at play, the adults in the library.. fields of vegetables being tended. All orchestrated with the actors under penalty of instatnt death. Remember: never before had some State entity set about the methodical and *TOTAL* ahhihilation of an entire homo sap group.
Who would have suspected.. the actual deetination of the "resettlement trains" - BEFORE ??? As with 9/11 - never before had a passenger airliner been deemed a 'weapon'... 20/20 is Sooo convenient a judgment pulpit.
So most went along, until reports confirmed the unThinkable was the fact. Many (dunno #s anymore..),like my honorary Jewish Grandmother\ufffd Trude.. left Germany early - as the books began to be burnt and the rhetoric resembled a Montana Black Helicopter Prevention meeting. Later on.. that became near-impossible, and surrounding countries - like The Swiss for an odious example - collaborated with the Nazis in suppressing escape; returning escapees virtually and also in fact.
Tell me how easily *You* could get your act together, find transport (despite a plethora of 'permits', "taxes" on anything you might own, really RED tape): and leave your present locale for another country ... say, over a period of a few days or a week ? And.. would you ?
I suppose simply, that the ratio of bravery/cowardice among any group is: the same Gaussian. I don't need to 'suspect' that - family and other considerations.. keep folks anchored long after they have become apprehensive. Hell, some at IWE, offered work in another area -- cite the very same reasons for remaining in a local desert; remaining with Nazi-trained employers VS A Chance to do Better. (or.. just to live?) And they aren't exterminating slow-coders. Yet.
Rest case.
Post #35,941
4/18/02 6:45:59 PM
Godwin, 15 yard penalty! :)
Naw, you got it nailed pretty well. Really, when you come down to it, we're just a higher class of cattle.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Post #35,947
4/18/02 7:31:47 PM
Guess you can grok too -
Why it is that some of us who Heard It almost-Live (even as kids.. one remembers the inflections in voices, esp. from Uniformed voices in newsreels) -- note a similarity of the Ashcroftian intellectual level of speech and.. the mechanisms of all propaganda: talk about fuzzy-warm / bloody-cold stuff as alternatives + 'We' shall keep you safe.. if you just go along with *this* little absurdity today.
Of course he isn't a pukka Nazi (!) yet his dogma is worn on his sleeve. As with all True Believers, he is *Certain* that his POV is the Right one for all. Clearly this is his mindset - after all, his IS the One True God.
And Nazism was.. The One True Way for the Aryan Master Race to er "manage the sheep". What were "we in the West" *Thinking Of*.. as we watched the F\ufffdehrer methodically following the plot-line of Mein Kampff -- year after year ???
(I know that I haven't the foggiest idea yet - of how so many missed so Much for so long. Why should we expect to be more astute about creeping gradualism.. two generations later?)
Ashton it sure is fascinating to watch, though.. (though automatic Jew-hatred is too familiar to be even moderately interesting - as with a herpes vulgaris sore in corner of mouth, that you've had for a week)
Post #35,926
4/18/02 5:13:08 PM
2 answers
1. They would have been long gone well before 35 years (not multiplying from 800,000 to 3.5 million as the Palestinians have) 2. Just look at how the Jews suffered under the Tsar's in Russia in the 1800's and their responses: some left to either the US or Israel, some became COmmunist type radicals, the majority suffered in silence
Post #35,927
4/18/02 5:13:43 PM
Moral equivalence is impossible to accept.
You are seriously out of touch with reality. You're still this side of Holocaust denial, but just barely.
[link||http://www.angelfir...e/index.html] Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes. If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
Post #35,937
4/18/02 5:40:06 PM
Re: Moral equivalence is impossible to accept.
Hey Marlowe, you are an asshole!
I spent time in Nazi concentration camp when they were a going operation. My parents were slave laborers in Nazi Germany. I lost an infant brother at that time. The Holocaust was not entirely just for the Jews, you know. I was a child, but I know what it is to be cold and hungry, and I know what barbarism and oppression are first hand.
Denying the Holocaust is the very last thing I would do.
"Never express yourself more clearly than you think." -- Neils Bohr (1885-1962)