A low-tech version of, "infinite adjustability" pillows, a [some-kind-of] small-bean-filled, relatively small pillow I put atop a very soft down-like, larger pillow.
Believe it was ~$20ish via mail, n-years ago; no idea now from whence it came, then. The combo of adjustability atop a way-too-soft base seems about Right for my nit-picky self.
I find that, via this scrunchable texture, I can indeed make it form-fit whatever I perceive to be any pressure-points I'd like to increase or minimize.
Works well for me, YMMV.
(Of course, this new gadget may indeed provide a "better?" overall result for someone.)
The 'granularity' (literally!) of my cheap-ass version I deem adequate, but perfection would always be in the Beholder,
preferably via direct comparison of the two. Good luck on That comparo.. practicality-wise.