IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Open Source Good, where's TFM?
Being able to use real HTML tags is also Good. This probably shows that of late I've dropped off the face if iwethey even as a lurker...and I may have been in twit mode...but I spent too many minutes trying to use EZCodes. It took me only about 2 minutes to look at the html parsing functions before I hit myself in the forehead and said, "now, why didn't I just try that?"

which got me to thinking that perhaps a small FAQ would be good. I'd even take a shot at a draft. I'm thinking of 4 topics so far...
1. Use real HTML. A link to a good tutorial might be helpful to newbies and FrontPage users. Even more helpful would be a small table of stuff that a newbie might want to do and links to the appropriate section in the mentioned tutorial. ie "How do I embed a link?" "How do I make {italic|bold|colored|...} text?
2. Use Preview--how and why.
3. Use the test forum--where and why it is there.
4. Lastly, Et Cetera.

I'm sure that everybody who is here now already knows this stuff but it would be a cool thing for new folks.
[link|http://www.mearth.org/rowan/index.htm|Here] is why I can't come up with a clever sig this year.
New Let me know when it's done... :-)
And I'll put it up.

-scott anderson
New Re: Let me know when it's done... :-)
Cool. I'll put together a draft soon and put it here.
[link|http://www.mearth.org/rowan/index.htm|Here] is why I can't come up with a clever sig this year.
New all those nights of coding
put to good use practicing sleeping in 2hr stretches :)
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New BTW...I see conratulations are long overdue...
...tell the lovely child happy first birthday from the group come the end of Sept.

She's really cute.

I have no choice!

     Open Source Good, where's TFM? - (rickw) - (4)
         Let me know when it's done... :-) - (admin) - (3)
             Re: Let me know when it's done... :-) - (rickw) - (2)
                 all those nights of coding - (boxley)
                 BTW...I see conratulations are long overdue... - (bepatient)

Trust me...
86 ms