The traditional media I've been keeping up with most regularly have been [link|http://www.abc.net.au/news|ABC News], [link|http://www.smh.com.au/|The Sydney Morning Herald] and news breaks on [link|http://www.sbs.com.au|SBS]. Just an hour ago, the news break on SBS suggested without saying so (nor overtly taking sides either) that exact truth over what is really happening is very hard to come by. There was a sound bite of an IDF soldier saying that they gave Palestinians opportunity to evacuate before bulldozing, but didn't force them. There were pictures of IDF soldiers going door-to-door and restraining Palestinian men. There was a shot of a Palestinian woman venting at the camera; the translation was that children are asking to be suicide bombers.
It is not a situation with an easy solution, nor with a solution everyone will be 100% happy with.