Believe there is ample evidence that all the -isms, taken together - acoount for near-100% of the rationalizations for the warisgoodbizness; investyourson periodic massacres for $, for ego - for just plain Goodness.
Trouble is: the fear of the Mystery of Why Life Is* (or for that matter: why *Anything* Is) won't go away. Substituting some idea of Holy-Science (say) proves not nearly as attractive an antidote to things thatgoBump inthe night as -- all those refined fantasies of bearded men -- alternatively and occasionally "kindly/loving" ... but always Ruling With That Iron Fist\ufffd. What do you call folks who Love Punishment (even for - just being born) ??
* never ... Never! ask 'why?' !! y'know?
Now if there *is* some genetic predisposition in homo-sap, towards masochism (?) Then we just may lack the overall capacity to kick the fantasy habit, accept that Life is a pretty Wonderful Thing\ufffd (compared with.. what?) and thus finally grow into an adult species, and cease being Righteous - as daily expression of our Death Wish.
In which case, all the excrescenses and slogans and flags shall continue for the duration to be - Will Shakespeare's compact summation: all that,
..sound and fury, signifying Nothing.
(where.. ignorant armies clash by night.)
SO.... what's on Tee Vee?