You must be using a different version than I have... the OS X that I employ has significantly fewer external penile interactions than was described in the link (well, for sufficiently "zero" values of "fewer"), manifesting more in kind with the heterosexual coitus that I prefer to enjoy from time to time in the physical realm, and while this virtual interplay is less intrinsically pleasant and deeply fulfilling than its counterpart in the real world, it is certainly more sustainable for longer periods of time and definitely easier to convince the other party involved to undertake with any great regularity.
I suggest checking with Software Update to see if an upgrade is available. The "Family Pack" edition of the latest OS X may be of some interest to you as well; that is, if your proclivities lie in that direction.
If your interests are more voyeuristic in nature, I understand there is a product named "Windows" that is available for x86 hardware as well.
For those who prefer dealings of a more bestial nature, in particular with flightless birds, well, I'm sure you can find satisfaction on the web. Note: you may need to turn SafeSearch "off" for full opening of sources...