One constant in war: all sides are liars.
The Israeli version is also a lie.
I find it hard to locate much sympathy anymore. Too many intentional martyrs, too many situations set up to force "atrocities". Machavelli said that each prince is allowed one bloodbath, and I think he's right here. The other two choices for Israel are to engage in a prolonged reign of terror or allow people to continue blowing them up.
The Palestinean side demanded this, specificaly so they could howl about the atrocity of it all when they got it. Their Arab buddies encouraged it and financed it, because it is cheaper to buy some explosives and pay off the families than it is to fight your own wars.
I've been a raging peacenik for my entire life, but it is time to end this, and when one side won't accept anything less than the anihilation of the other, well, Israel did, in fact, Give Peace a Chance. Several times.