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New Do me a favor, please.
Let me know if you think this is a fair summary.

1. Sandra Fluke was not permitted to testify before a congressional committee because the Republicans blocked her as a witness.

2. The Democrats called a sort-of hearing where she did testify as a private citizen attending a Jesuit school that has insurance policies that do not cover contraception.

3. She testified about the importance of birth control being covered by health insurance policies. http://littlegreenfo...pt_of_Sandra_Fluk Note she didn't testify about her sex life.

4. Rush spent 3 days impugning her character, calling her names, lying about what she said. http://thinkprogress...70-sexist-smears/

5. National Republican office-holders are afraid of Limbaugh.

6. Obama called Fluke before a TV appearance to encourage her and thank her for her testimony. http://www.dailykos....offer-his-support


I'll let you present your view of Ms. Palin's circumstances, how they're equivalent to Fluke's, and tell me why it isn't silly of her to expect that Obama should call her. He's already said (in 2008) that families of political candidates should be off limits. http://www.cbsnews.c...04967-502443.html

New this silliness is not the issue
Limbaugh was flat out wrong attacking Fluke
Maher was borderline unfunny with his bit
Bristol was making a point that Maher was not a big deal but Limbaugh is (point being silly or not)
Slut shaming by attack weasels from the left and the response oh, she was being silly by the left so she deserves such attacks is what I dont like and pointed out here.
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New You think she was going meta?
I read her post. I didn't see it as insulting Maher as being less important than Rush. She was criticizing the president for defending Fluke but not her. No subtext at all.

New Re: this silliness is not the issue
#1 - Agreed.

#2 - Meh. Maher is borderline misogynistic - period. (I only rarely watch his show for more than a couple of minutes - I don't find him funny most of the time, and his panels are often a waste of time.) But "jokes" in a monologue isn't close to the same as what Limbaugh did over many hours.

#3 - Meh. Of course Maher isn't in the same league as Limbaugh when it comes to political influence. Nobody in office, of the left or the right, really cares what Maher thinks.

#4 - Meh. I posted a link to TBogg's comments on her post. TBogg isn't Maher. TBogg doesn't suffer grifters gladly - no matter their gender.

Maher's "jokes" about her, in 2008, were probably often over the line. He often is. Maybe Maher should call her.

Her blog post about Obama calling was disingenuous and just designed to attract attention - which it did nicely. Something a narcissist would do...


New She shouldn't expect a call from Maher either. OpEd at NYT.


New Wow
Your link in #4 ... what a concentrated helping of dumbassitude. It's wrong eight ways from Sunday, but the one I want to ask about: If you take the pill, don't you take exactly the same does whether you're having sex once a year or three times a day? Does he not know that, or does he think his audience doesn't?

(Yeah, I know, he's just pretending not to know so he can use what he believes is a clever line.)

New I'm not sure he's pretending... :-/
New TBogg is a well know ERV
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New Energy Recovery Ventilation?
This is further out than your usual...
New erv as in elevatorgate
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New Hardly.


New from yer link
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New Read him in his posts. In context.
New he supports women the same way Rand supports Israelis
nice folk but not qualified to make decisions for themselves.
Anyway, the President should call Bristol, but not during the day because she will be at her job as the assistant skin exfoliater trainee at Merle Norman and her boss won’t let her take personal phones calls while she’s working because she’s a total bitch.
its called slut shaming, no different from the erv who claimed that since he liberated bosnian rape camps, he is more qualified than a woman to determine what is oppression. Never mind that from his picture he must have joined the army at 10 years old.
from a post elsewhere
okay, a lib friend of mine posted a link to the following. I then posted that he needed his SO to explain privilege to him. Was I wrong?

Single Mom Waiting For Her Presidential Booty Call | TBogg
Future grandmother-at-34 and mother of one or two kids depending upon whether you’re Andrew Sullivan, Bristol Palin has a blog now! And instead of
Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · 22 hours ago

Llewelly Foo you were right. This is out-and-out slut shaming - although it's not as awful as some of the garbage TBogg has posted in the past.
dont think much of TBogg at all
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New Question
Isn't slut shaming when you criticize a woman for the same sexual habits that you would have no problem with from a man?

Suggesting that someone is stupid, or low-class, or white trash, or any of the other things I see people saying about various Palins, may not be very polite, but I don't think it's slut shaming.

And besides that, when people try to act as spokespeople for "family values" while living a life blatantly at odds with what the espouse, well that's not slut shaming it's calling out hypocrisy.

New Re: Question
Put in the most simple terms, slut-shaming happens when a person “publicly or privately [insults] a woman because she expressed her sexuality in a way that does not conform with patriarchal expectations for women” (Kat, Slut-Shaming vs. Rape Jokes). It is enabled by the idea that a woman who carries the stigma of being a slut — ie. an “out-of-control, trampy female” — is “not worth knowing or caring about” (Tanenbaum, p. 240).
title of nothers link
Single Mom Waiting For Her Presidential Booty Call
(fits description)
Future grandmother-at-34 and mother of one or two kids depending upon whether you’re Andrew Sullivan
asserts her sexual activities are out of mainstream
Which is about how Bristol wants a phone call from President Black Obama just like that one he made to that slutty college girl, because Bristol had no birth control either and she’s got the baby to prove it so, hah!, she wins! LOL!:
tad obvious what it is

Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New Ref: "satire" and "hypocrisy"
This can really easily degenerate into, "He started it!" But I read that article as more along the lines of speck vs. plank -- http://www.biblegate...3A3-5&version=NIV

New One could write a book about Palin venality stupidity and
vacuousness without ever touching sexuality but he went there, and only there.
My two cents
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New Re: Question

Future grandmother-at-34 and mother of one or two kids depending upon whether you’re Andrew Sullivan

asserts her sexual activities are out of mainstream

Actually, yes, they are. Where I grew up most women I knew didn't become grandmothers until their mid 40s at the earliest.

"Chicago to my mind was the only place to be. ... I above all liked the city because it was filled with people all a-bustle, and the clatter of hooves and carriages, and with delivery wagons and drays and peddlers and the boom and clank of freight trains. And when those black clouds came sailing in from the west, pouring thunderstorms upon us so that you couldn't hear the cries or curses of humankind, I liked that best of all. Chicago could stand up to the worst God had to offer. I understood why it was built--a place for trade, of course, with railroads and ships and so on, but mostly to give all of us a magnitude of defiance that is not provided by one house on the plains. And the plains is where those storms come from."

-- E.L. Doctorow
New thank you for confirming my point
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New Nobody's asking you to like him.

This is one of those ” What Digby said” posts. Go read.

Keep in mind that all of these roadblocks designed to keep women from choosing a perfectly legal medical procedure aren’t about shaming them, it’s about giving them the information they need because a woman who is obviously too stupid to realize that her ‘condition’ may result in a baby is exactly the kind of person society wants raising that child when it magically appears.

(If it's not clear, that's sarcasm in the 2nd paragraph. That's what TBogg does.)

What did digby say? http://digbysblog.bl...ion-pregnant.html

No, TBogg doesn't hate women. Among other things, he has a daughter that he posts about all the time ("the L&T Casey") - he has some idea of how hard it is being a woman in this society. (I think that's why he seems to have an extra helping of venom for Republicans who want to mess around with what women do with their bodies. Just a guess, though.)

He goes after the Palins because he regards them as cynical grifters and he (apparently) feels that if they're so desperate to be in the popular press, on TV, and on the 'tubes, well, he'll be happy to make fun of them. E.g.

2008: http://tbogg.firedog...going-to-go-well/
2009: http://tbogg.firedog...by-in-the-corner/
2010: http://tbogg.firedog...tic-grifter-girl/
2011: http://tbogg.firedog...ith-student-body/

My $0.02. FWIW. HTH.

New Like or dislike has nothing to do with it
I called him on content and you portrayed him as a champion of women's rights. I then pointed out that you need "privilege" explained to you. You demurred and continued to point out that TBoggs was ok. Thats fine, its okay that you dont get it.
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New Your sarcasm detector is broken. That's Ok.
New Ah, so where is his watermelon and fried chicken article
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New ...
     IRLRPD. - (Another Scott) - (35)
         Re: IRLRPD. - (folkert)
         neat! ask j to explain privilege to you -NT - (boxley) - (32)
             Eh? Ask DRL to explain 'narcissism" to you. ;-) -NT - (Another Scott) - (31)
                 so slut shaming is a cure for narcissism? -NT - (boxley) - (30)
                     Eh? - (Another Scott) - (29)
                         So a dem gets picked on by limbough - (boxley) - (28)
                             Interesting view. I think you need better glasses. ;-) -NT - (Another Scott) - (27)
                                 You can't buy that many shades of gray - (crazy) - (26)
                                     not me with the black and white issue - (boxley) - (25)
                                         Do me a favor, please. - (Another Scott) - (24)
                                             this silliness is not the issue - (boxley) - (3)
                                                 You think she was going meta? - (drook)
                                                 Re: this silliness is not the issue - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                                     She shouldn't expect a call from Maher either. OpEd at NYT. - (Another Scott)
                                             Wow - (drook) - (19)
                                                 I'm not sure he's pretending... :-/ -NT - (Another Scott)
                                                 TBogg is a well know ERV -NT - (boxley) - (17)
                                                     Energy Recovery Ventilation? - (hnick) - (16)
                                                         erv as in elevatorgate - (boxley) - (15)
                                                             Hardly. - (Another Scott) - (14)
                                                                 from yer link - (boxley) - (13)
                                                                     Read him in his posts. In context. -NT - (Another Scott) - (12)
                                                                         he supports women the same way Rand supports Israelis - (boxley) - (11)
                                                                             Question - (drook) - (5)
                                                                                 Re: Question - (boxley) - (4)
                                                                                     Ref: "satire" and "hypocrisy" - (drook) - (1)
                                                                                         One could write a book about Palin venality stupidity and - (boxley)
                                                                                     Re: Question - (lincoln) - (1)
                                                                                         thank you for confirming my point -NT - (boxley)
                                                                             Nobody's asking you to like him. - (Another Scott) - (4)
                                                                                 Like or dislike has nothing to do with it - (boxley) - (3)
                                                                                     Your sarcasm detector is broken. That's Ok. -NT - (Another Scott) - (2)
                                                                                         Ah, so where is his watermelon and fried chicken article -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                                                                                             ... -NT - (Another Scott)
         this sentence says it all - (lincoln)

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