Wine-obsessed - the place still is.
Guess that's as decent an obsession as any, but I say - once having sampled a Ch. Lafitte or Margaux '61 (or any year d'Yqem).. ho hum. But it is 'country' still, in lots of places. This despite the inevitable hucksters trying to Disneyand things, everywhere. Ex:
Currently we're fighting an Int'l Corp - attempting to build a 90ish room hotel across from a local winery = tour buses, an "event" at least every week. These assholes don't even live here, nor give a fig about what kind of 'here' they'd like to convert to a 'there' (like every other &*%&*$ 'entrepreneur' whose brain language is in $/sec). Issues about local water table, etc. So far the plan's been sent back for an environmental impact report. We shall remain vigilant.
What's really nice is... the quiet. So far, and despite - a very-occasional car whose driver thinks it's a 500 W. drum-machine boom-box, meant to spread around his large love for incessant thumps. Really Murican, that..
Still - there are two airports capable of landing a Carter Copter :-\ufffd
(But more action at Tahoe, agreed) Karsten can give you an alternative view of the area du jour.