then they have a score from 0-100%. Texas and 6 5*. others tied with 68%. Minnesota, Vermont and Colorado also got a D+, but didn't tie with Texas, as their scores were 69%, 69% and 67% respectively.

Colorado's ranked 33rd so that goes along with what I thought the next state would be placed at.

8 states scored less than 60% (and thus an F), which is where I think Greg got his "Texas only beat 8" from. There's 18 states that scored less than Texas' 68%.

Not that 68 is a great score, but there's no need to make it sound worse than it is.

* the original article incorrectly has "6 other states", but they only list 5 others: Arkansas, Arizona, West Virginia, Montana and Alaska. The 6 states with 68% match the source I linked to.