Mitt Romney committed another gaffe this morning while he was talking to Soledad O'Brien of CNN. Now, some people are going to say that he's being taken out of context, but I want to focus on the first one and a half sentences. Here's how he started:
"By the way, I'm in this race because I care about Americans. I'm not concerned about the very poor..." -Mitt Romney, February 1st, 2012
What's the logical implication of that juxtaposition? What does that tell you about how Mitt Romney's mind works? He cares about Americans, not the very poor. To me, that was the most damning part of the whole thing. I think he realized that what he had said didn't sound right, so he continued on to say he was not concerned about the very rich, either.
But the logic of his argument didn't improve.
Boo is right - the juxtaposition is revealing. Unless he was running on fumes from lack of sleep (and he didn't seem to be), it seems to be exactly what he wanted to say. Especially since he basically repeated the same thing when he was asked about it again in the same interview.
He's trying to divide the middle from the poor, to distract them from (among other things) his wealth, over-seas tax shelters, and low tax rates. It's a calculated strategy.
My $0.02.