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New iphone specific imap question - here?
The owner has an iphone.
We have imapd - very simple setup.
His iphone is able to access.

But: He has a gabillion messages. He deletes NOTHING, and wants them all in his inbox. After X thousand messages, it gets odd. Subject header lists get out of synch, emails get "lost", only to re-appear.

But #2: we also experienced odd interaction with our android based imapd clients (both the default app and k9) when testing. So while it is not iphone specific, it seams to be phone client specific.

I organized his folder by year of message, which SEEMED to help, but it won't last. I need to address the real problem.

#1 - What is the MOST number of messages that can be expected to be supported in the iphone's imap client interface? Who is this number provided by?

#2 - Once I have that I can then say: Ok, what do I need to do to make it bigger?
New Dunno. You may be able to hack it.
http://www.ifans.com...read.php?t=178460 is for an iPod touch mail.app. Maybe something similar works for the iPhone.

HTH a little.

New Yes, a client problem.
The IMAP protocol can support millions of messages in a single folder. I know of servers that can, too.

It sounds like the client app is doing hashing of the IDs, and beyond a certain point, they are colliding in the hashmap. :-( It probably doesn't even know.

I've got my Asus Eepad's IMAP client talking to my local server and it hasn't done anything funky, but then I haven't ever told it to get all messages in my inbox. Which has a few thousand.

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New Thanks
     iphone specific imap question - here? - (crazy) - (3)
         Dunno. You may be able to hack it. - (Another Scott)
         Yes, a client problem. - (static) - (1)
             Thanks -NT - (crazy)

How much more blacker could this album cover get? None more blacker.
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