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New I doubt the Republicans would support a serious candidate.
They are not putting forward anybody they would support, much less expect to win. Why should they? Obama rolls over better then any of my dogs. And the Democrats will take the rap for supporting a Republican agenda much like Clinton is still being blamed for NAFTA. I don't know what good the big coat-tails will do; BHO has the leadership skills of an autistic cloistered monk. On his record, he couldn't lead a pack of cub scouts to the toilet. I figure there will be 5 more years of the same crap unless interrupted by revolution or dissolution. We're pretty well screwed. I'd love to be wrong...
New Can the Republicans do any better?

There is little hope for either party to do anything the next 5-13 years.
New Let's get it over with. Draft Palin.
     Al's crystal ball was very clear. - (Another Scott) - (8)
         Interesting or ridiculous? - (hnick) - (7)
             As opposed to Dog on Car? - (Another Scott) - (6)
                 that smoke must be on sale in DC - (boxley)
                 I doubt the Republicans would support a serious candidate. - (hnick) - (2)
                     Can the Republicans do any better? - (folkert)
                     Let's get it over with. Draft Palin. -NT - (mmoffitt)
                 Mrs. Dog-on-Car heard on NPR this morning - (rcareaga) - (1)
                     swap you an almost 18yo for MIL (assuming she is on SS) -NT - (boxley)

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