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New Interesting or ridiculous?
Gingrich is a self indulgent narcissistic lobbyist who has already been kicked out in disgrace. If he gets any serious consideration for being on the ballot we should give up the pretense that we are a serious democracy. I would doubt that he has even Obama's leadership ability and that's a pretty low bar to trip over. You can't run a country by having temper tantrums and shutting everything down when you don't get your way. This is a joke. The Republicans aren't trying to win; Obama is doing their work for them and Democrats will take the blame for the next 20 years. They are just looking for a graceful way to lose.
New As opposed to Dog on Car?
Who "served" his country during the Vietnam war by living in a mansion in France? Whose great success in the private sector before he ran for office was rescuing the Salt Lake City Olympics by getting a federal bailout? Who is running against everything he did and said as governor of Massachusetts? Who now thinks that $375k a year for speaking fees is "not very much"? Who has had 5 positions on releasing his federal tax returns in the last 2 weeks or so?

The battle between Newt and Mitt over the next few weeks might be interesting. There's so much baggage that can be drawn out of both of their overflowing closets. But it may also be the case that one of them implodes soon (Mitt over his taxes or being unable to recover from his glass jaw breaking; Newt over lack of money and on-the-ground organization and his history) - we'll see.

Yes, the Republican candidates and process has been a joke. The only sensible explanation is that the serious candidates knew months ago they couldn't win so they didn't bother.

While the election in November may be uncomfortably close, it's entering the realm of possibility that it might be a blowout with BHO having huge coat-tails....

We'll see.

New that smoke must be on sale in DC
obama win sure. Dems regaining control of everything? In yer fevered dreams. Listening to npr this am they had no clue as to why newt won SC.Am pretty sure that many other people share that cluelessness
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New I doubt the Republicans would support a serious candidate.
They are not putting forward anybody they would support, much less expect to win. Why should they? Obama rolls over better then any of my dogs. And the Democrats will take the rap for supporting a Republican agenda much like Clinton is still being blamed for NAFTA. I don't know what good the big coat-tails will do; BHO has the leadership skills of an autistic cloistered monk. On his record, he couldn't lead a pack of cub scouts to the toilet. I figure there will be 5 more years of the same crap unless interrupted by revolution or dissolution. We're pretty well screwed. I'd love to be wrong...
New Can the Republicans do any better?

There is little hope for either party to do anything the next 5-13 years.
New Let's get it over with. Draft Palin.
New Mrs. Dog-on-Car heard on NPR this morning
...saying "I want to remind you where we know our riches are. Our riches are with our families.” If she really believes that, I've got a couple of in-laws I'd be happy to let go in exchange for cash. Any reasonable offer* will be entertained.


*I love my in-laws very much, so I'm going to define "reasonable" as beginning in the six-figure range, although I'm prepared to offer attractive discounts on bundles.
New swap you an almost 18yo for MIL (assuming she is on SS)
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
Expand Edited by boxley Jan. 23, 2012, 12:41:31 PM EST
     Al's crystal ball was very clear. - (Another Scott) - (8)
         Interesting or ridiculous? - (hnick) - (7)
             As opposed to Dog on Car? - (Another Scott) - (6)
                 that smoke must be on sale in DC - (boxley)
                 I doubt the Republicans would support a serious candidate. - (hnick) - (2)
                     Can the Republicans do any better? - (folkert)
                     Let's get it over with. Draft Palin. -NT - (mmoffitt)
                 Mrs. Dog-on-Car heard on NPR this morning - (rcareaga) - (1)
                     swap you an almost 18yo for MIL (assuming she is on SS) -NT - (boxley)

Looks like I shouldn't have skipped putting on the third coat of sarcasm.
163 ms