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New Details
Their domain name is paid up, but their primary dns server doesn't answer ping (NS.BETAWEB.COM The secondary dns server does return ping (NS.EZY.NET and EZY.NET's Web site comes up. No response from www.web-span.com or web-span.com (host not found).

I did not try making my primary DNS server to see if it came up with anything (because I have a bunch of other stuff going right now and don't want to reboot).
New Re: Details - tks will try ..

the 2ndry dom

Hopefully the problem is not that they have suddenly closed shop (they host a buckload of domains).

Possibly loss of priary DNS.


New Re: Details - tried that as my primary

But no resolution.

Sure hope they are still in Business - mainly the inconvenience of setting up alt site - at least I have full copies of all the sites running on my domains directed there.

Wayne Wtight is the man who established the business wayne@web-span.com

A very nice person to deal with & always very helpful.

Cheers - Doug Marker
New Re: Looking grim - tried phoning them but only ans phone

Seems quite unlike Wayne Wright to just dissapear - am wondering if something has happened to him personaly.

Will try phoning again today US time. As before primary DNS not responding but secondary is.

Am assuming all DNS down the chain have now dropped sub domains supported by this primary. I can get a host # for NS.BETAWEB.COM (due to it being linked to upstream) but all my domains fail to respond with any id#. Emails to wayne@web-span.com get bounced. Am wondering if he is in some way out of touch & doesn't yet realise he has lost his primary DNS & thus all his clients ?.

Anyone in Maryland ?

Not sure which part web span is located in

Anyone have any suggestions on what to do in a situation like this (I have clones of all the web sites). My original registrations are with network solutions so I guess I can get them to redirect my domains, but without knowing what has happened to web span, it is a difficult decision.

Cheers - Doug
New Re: web-span suffered disk failures ...

expecting to be back in operation today. Managed to reach Wayne Wright by phone this morning.

Doug M
     Need some help - loss of US web sites !!! - (dmarker2) - (7)
         Details - (Andrew Grygus) - (4)
             Re: Details - tks will try .. - (dmarker2)
             Re: Details - tried that as my primary - (dmarker2)
             Re: Looking grim - tried phoning them but only ans phone - (dmarker2)
             Re: web-span suffered disk failures ... - (dmarker2)
         Down or out? - (orion) - (1)
             Re: down but now up again - host farm failure - (dmarker2)

...introduce an "if", and you're down the slippery slope. You add "for", and it's an avalanche. Then the "while" falls on you, and you're buried.
46 ms