As with all this tech, my first thought is re. biological
FUBAR consequences (at any stage of its manufacture, application, release.)
Hyped for certain wanted-effects (even as trivial as pretty e- ckt. boards) but with typically little investigation of what.. might.. happen via the most cockamamie application,
one never remotely anticipated by the hucksters/MBAS/finance droids. This is the typical bizness drill.
(As for military possibilities, suppose the 'application' can be simplified to ... say, air-dropped mists which render various food crops unusable?
for just one random stab: add your own etc. etc. ad takisto homo-seppuku.)
That is, rapid speciescide via iggerance.
Yes, I admit I am skeptical, on-towards-->paranoid about the limited science comprehension combined with unlimited greed of the {ugghh} 'entrepreneurial caste'
of genus-greedheads. We are just too close to releasing some Insanely Great/trivial substance whose 2nd-order consequence seems small..
but months later its 5th-order DNA-eraser causes [_____]
(I won't even give the Mengeles amongst US a hint to work towards.)
Physics underlies all the hard sciences, of course.. but chemistry now achieves individual atom-placement, bringing 'physical chemistry' beyond all the lore re aqueous solutions
==the area called Unstudied and mostly, Unimagined.
That is Not a minor problem as dumbth slowly erodes the majority capabilities.
LUCK to us all; 'smarts' just ain't got legs much, any more, especially amidst the untutored who make the rulez, mainly.
Ed: oTpy

Edited by
Jan. 15, 2012, 11:22:26 PM EST