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New Actually, it does.
Santorum is a fundy whack job who wishes to impose his bullshit on others. He is no longer one of the newly grieving; he is leveraging this incident to get other whack jobs behind him for personal gain. If he kept it personal, it could be bypassed as a personal family quirk. Since he publicized it for personal gain, he's a running target. Fuck him where he lives.
New Having said that about various targets, not for me to argue
He is target worthy, no doubt.
     Cringeworthy - (crazy) - (13)
         Agreed. However... - (Another Scott)
         Santorum has no problem - (lincoln) - (11)
             Doesn't matter - (crazy) - (2)
                 Actually, it does. - (hnick) - (1)
                     Having said that about various targets, not for me to argue - (crazy)
             Re: Santorum has no problem - (pwhysall) - (7)
                 Well spotted; good choice of words. -NT - (hnick)
                 So how is it... - (folkert) - (5)
                     Re: So how is it... - (pwhysall) - (4)
                         Re: So how is it... - (folkert) - (3)
                             Off topic - (S1mon_Jester) - (2)
                                 Holy sh*t -NT - (crazy)
                                 love the included LRPD - (lincoln)

My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant life form had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-shirt.
53 ms