My village police department has a network consisting of a windows 2003 server, and a workstation (more to be added later if they get a budget.) I cleaned a rootkit virus off the workstation with Combofix and the networking works again. I can bring up all sorts of locations on the internet. I can ping the server. I can net view the server. The server is DHCPing an address (the proper one, based on running ubuntu live on the machine to test the hardware.) Users can not access shares on the server (used to work.) The event logs say there is an Failure Aud Event ID: 537. The same user can log onto the server with the same username and password. On the server, in the active directory section, all the users are there and they still seem to have the privileges to log on. Is it possible that I removed something in registry that identified these privileges? Any ideas how to replace it? Any suggestions at all? Other than run away, of course.