just for the sheer Hell of it.

It may turn out that, a life dedicated to the manic cycling of nice clean raw materials into.. the trash heap (after a brief pit-stop while it is being 'owned'):

could be somewhat better for the planet-full (8 billion and counting) for its diversionary function! Imagine all the destructive ideas which might ferment, were they all even *more* bored... ... ... ...and, sitting around ... ... thinking up even more excuses for slaughtering any near-by ones who are.. umm 'different' in thought or appearance ???

Why there could be.. clandestine courses in MSEE More-effective Suicide Events Explained: why take just a handful with you.. when Our MBA* course can multiply your intended-collateral damage an order of magnitude!

*Master Bomber Activation\ufffd

Don't be a Wimp... Escalate!

Yes, I may have erred all along - and must make amends...

Consumption... A disease which is Good for all the rest !!

Conservation... a Pinko-Fascist idea past its time!

Just DO It !!!

how could I have missed it so badly !?