![]() People you support keep making stupid arguments that are easily refuted, but columnists shouldn't take the time or space to actually refute them.
Drew |
![]() People you support keep making stupid arguments that are easily refutedI see that with your links all the time but columnists shouldn't take the time or space to actually refute themdepends on how stupid the idea is. Belaboring the obvious isnt always interesting Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
![]() including "people I support"?
Would that be, like, some congressman somewhere that I don't live? some candidate that I haven't voted for, even in straw polls? There are many that support lower taxes, I don't see a ton of folks arguing that dividends are double taxation. Seen some about cap gains, but not dividends. (both arguments are stupid..not the lowering taxes part...but the trying to do it with the "illegal double tax" argument.) Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
![]() It's a recurring mantra from Republicans. They use it for foreign trade, federal/state/local taxes, inheritance tax, capital gains, dividends ... over and over and over they argue that money should only be taxed once, as though we're talking about a specific bill that was taxed when it went into my bank account. And if it was taxed when it went into my company's account, it shouldn't be taxed again when it goes into mine.
The taxes are on transactions. As Baker points out, corporations exist specifically to act as a distinct entity for financial purposes. If that's the rule then transferring the money from that entity to a person is a transaction. And don't pretend "support" can only mean "vote for". --
Drew |
![]() Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
![]() That just explains why people use the term. It's still just as wrong as when this thread started.
Drew |
![]() that explains how stuff works. Beep and I agree with the Author that indeed, thats how stuff works. Why are you all in a lather again for?
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
![]() the argument that tax on dividends is double taxation is a cute one...but a stupid one. Not worth a column. If people are still making the false claim, then refuting that claim is still worth a column. --
Drew |
![]() Article was on dividends. Not inheritance, not cap gains, not any of the other you listed.
I happen to agree that the transfer of corp profits to individual owners is indeed a transfer and can be taxed because the corp is a distinct entity to itself. And again, you have gone and lumped me into a party as if I'm registered to it and support it (financially, voting-wise)..and while my views more often than not are closer aligned with them than with dems, I am registered with no party affiliation and have OFTEN voted for democratic candidates. So there. Unless you want to cast aspersion on democrats too...you may want to check your generalizations and the door, big fella ;-) Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
![]() The specific flavor happened to be dividends, but it's the same argument made for all the other instances.
And now you're saying "support" means only votes and donations. I didn't mean it that narrowly, and you know that, but getting wrapped up arguing the point is a distraction. And you know that, too. --
Drew |
![]() its now pretty much the core of the discussion, as I've already agreed dividends are not double taxed.
And no, it wasn't worth a column...especially one that made no new points in the discussion. Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
![]() Whether it's worth a column is exactly the core of the discussion. It was my point. I raised it. That's what I'm discussing.
You want to argue about what "support" means. You want to simply re-assert your original claim that it wasn't worth a column. As long as people keep re-asserting the same false claims, someone needs to keep refuting them. --
Drew |
![]() have said this...
"People you support keep making stupid arguments that are easily refuted, but columnists shouldn't take the time or space to actually refute them." You brought up the support aspect, which I challenged...and have not linked to a current argument about this particular taxation point, the entire basis for which you say a current column is relevant. a google search of "double taxation in republican debates" leads only to a post where Cain's 9-9-9 plan is defended AGAINST claims that Romney made that his plan layered taxes. Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
![]() After trying twice to qualify what "support" means, you just offered up the Republican debates. It seems you know what "support" means after all.
Drew |
![]() your assumption, as usual, was just that. And you used that assumption to make a point. And, as I've now shown you, both your assumption AND your point were incorrect.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
![]() You're willing to move the goalposts more than I'm willing to chase them.
Drew |
![]() you said that "everyone is saying it" and so it needed a column. Turns out, no one is currently saying it. Bother for you.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
![]() --
Drew |
![]() people I support, with the direct assumption that those would be Republicans. Believe follow on included members of Congress.
If you show me 3 quotes from within the last month from candidates (R or D) or congressmen mentioning dividends being double taxed, I'll concede. Otherwise... Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
![]() http://abcnews.go.co...ght-on-substance/
http://www.decodedsc...sals-decoded/5519 http://online.wsj.co...560162304238.html There was only 5900 articles in the last month regarding this. Searching in News for the last month and for the following: "Double Taxation" Republican Candidate |
![]() First one is on Cain's plan and the critique of it.
Second one I'm inclined to grant credit for, though it does not contain a quote of Newt saying this. Third is about elimination of tax on repatriated earnings...which is double taxation and keeps capital out of the country. Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
![]() Seriously there was over 5900 *unique* articles, you expect me to go through even a hundred to gather things up for you to refute your mantra?
Sorry Beep... you can do your own work. |
![]() Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
![]() the first link contains so many inaccuracies it could have been written by the whitehouse
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
![]() The first one isn't even about the subject at hand...its about the layering of taxes that is supposed to happen under Cain's 9-9-9 plan. Has nothing to do with investment taxes and/or repatriation taxes.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.