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New Any Screaming Abdabs?

I once made a serious offer to trade my several hundred strong record collection for a single triple vinyl (bootleg) album recording of The Screaming Abdabs' joint Wish You Were Here/Animals Tour. I was turned down.
- http://www.boomantri...1/11/18/215334/51

(Who did not know that they were called that at one time.)
New Nope
Large stack of Floyd, Yes, ELP, and the various solo artists that went in and out, but none of that.

All of those were kept of course.
     I struck gold - (crazy) - (14)
         catalogue? - (rcareaga) - (6)
             Too heavy too carry up right now - (crazy) - (5)
                 Sounds like... - (beepster) - (4)
                     Heard from the distance from the boy - (crazy) - (3)
                         Re: Heard from the distance from the boy - (beepster) - (2)
                             Oh, I knew that. - (crazy) - (1)
                                 wouldnt mind a copy of "beans on toast" if you got it, Who -NT - (boxley)
         You gonna rip/encode it all? - (folkert) - (3)
             Re: You gonna rip/encode it all? - (beepster) - (1)
                 I just... - (folkert)
             Considered it - (crazy)
         Ok, sold the ones I didn't care about - (crazy) - (2)
             Any Screaming Abdabs? - (Another Scott) - (1)
                 Nope - (crazy)

We come here for the righteous indignation and hilarity that follows.
34 ms