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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New I struck gold
I was visiting an old friend.

He's spent most of his life collecting music.

Almost all my formative music listening time was under his direction.

He's ripped all his CDs, doesn't want the physical and was planning on taking them to a used store and selling them.

I was trying to winnow my choices for a $50 box (around 100 CDs) when a realized no way, I want it ALL.

How much?


Really. Ok, where's the nearest MAC machine?

It took 8 trips down 3 flights of steps, 8 HEAVY trips. I'm waiting for the boy to get home to carry them up.

I figure we'll take out top x hundred CDs, and sell the rest at the local used store. For more than I paid.


New catalogue?
general idea of these CDs by genre? Artist?
New Too heavy too carry up right now
Hmmm. 60/70/80 acid rock, pink floyd, yes, all kinds of metal that i don't care about, elton john, beatles, led zep, pat benatar, cindi lauper, uhm and kind of everything in between from the era, all frank zappa ever recorded or so it seems, def lep (ehh, a), 38 special, allman brothers, cheech and chong, a few classic comedies, star trek sound track (WTF?), umm, boston, ELP (YAYAYAYAY), Eagles, lots of Satriani, the Who, the guess who, the (pick any random goddamn band that fits this variety and it's probably in there) and other guitar gods as well, jackson brown, Kansas, rush, uhhhhhh, Grateful Dead.

When something interested him, he went a little crazy. Multiple those artists by 50 for the ones I can't remember, and then think how he would go buy pretty much everything they ever did as he got into them, and then continue to collect when he found new/old ones.

He had a LOT of free time, and this was all he spent his money on.

Ok, that was from memory as I was examining in a semi lit room and as I giggled again and again, loading boxes and bags. Big bags for redoing grocery shopping. Crates 1/2 the height of my body.

I'm waiting for the boy to get up, I'll make him carry them up the steps.
New Sounds like...
It would have been easier to send me a gig drive:-)

But discovery is half the fun...enjoy!
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
New Heard from the distance from the boy
Ian Anderson is Tull, right?

Oooh, Floyd I've never even heard of.

His discovery is most the fun.
Expand Edited by crazy Nov. 6, 2011, 11:54:16 AM EST
New Re: Heard from the distance from the boy
Yes, ian Anderson is front man of tull. Has a couple of incredible solo records too. Divinities may be my favorite.

Make sure Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast is on the menu...
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
New Oh, I knew that.
And we got Divinities.
That'll be the next shared listen. It'll be a 1st for me.

Should I have a lyric sheet handy or will it be clear enough?
New wouldnt mind a copy of "beans on toast" if you got it, Who
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New You gonna rip/encode it all?
800 CDs on my new box would take about 7 minutes each. Ripping takes about 20-40 seconds per song, Most CDs take less than 30 seconds to encode with Dual Xeon - 2 Core CPUs (4 parallel encoders).

Encoding done with:
"new VBR" (default VBR now)
auto joint or simple stereo per frame depending on bit rate
minimum bit rate 64Kb/sec
maximum bit rate 320Kb/sec
strictly enforce ISO MPEG-1 Layer3 standard
16 bit checksum every frame
VBR Quality = 2 (except when not following the minimum or maximum bit rate which are better so it "-2" lower is better (default=4))

The upper and lower bit rates are for many "older" MP3 players that don't/can't honor/play lower or higher bit rates... such as many builtin OEM Automotive MP3 players or early Sony MP3 capable CD players for home or auto. I'm sure others are like this as well.

Would take me about 6 weeks to rip them all, doing it casually.

I have a setup in "grip" that would effectively make me a CD swapping monkey. It also tags things in a sane manner. Yes, Beep we disagree on that point, but I can live with yours, just as easily as you can live with mine.

Also, here is what LAME still thinks about bit rates:

phone => 16kbps/mono
phon+/lw/mw-eu/sw => 24kbps/mono
mw-us => 40kbps/mono
voice => 56kbps/mono
fm/radio/tape => 112kbps
hifi => 160kbps
cd => 192kbps
studio => 256kbps

I could argue, but meh...
New Re: You gonna rip/encode it all?
I like the way I tag :-)

Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
New I just...
Re-Tag and re-name... :D
New Considered it
We sorted it all.
I saran wrapped all CDs for a single group.
And stacked the stacked of CDs on the wall.
I then crated the singles, only 1/2 a crate.

About 1,100 total.

I want to keep about 3/4s of it, so maybe.

New Ok, sold the ones I didn't care about
For $300.

I kept about 2/3rds, and sold the rest for the same price it cost me.

Today was the boy's 23rd.

We had a hell of a sushi dinner.
New Any Screaming Abdabs?

I once made a serious offer to trade my several hundred strong record collection for a single triple vinyl (bootleg) album recording of The Screaming Abdabs' joint Wish You Were Here/Animals Tour. I was turned down.
- http://www.boomantri...1/11/18/215334/51

(Who did not know that they were called that at one time.)
New Nope
Large stack of Floyd, Yes, ELP, and the various solo artists that went in and out, but none of that.

All of those were kept of course.
     I struck gold - (crazy) - (14)
         catalogue? - (rcareaga) - (6)
             Too heavy too carry up right now - (crazy) - (5)
                 Sounds like... - (beepster) - (4)
                     Heard from the distance from the boy - (crazy) - (3)
                         Re: Heard from the distance from the boy - (beepster) - (2)
                             Oh, I knew that. - (crazy) - (1)
                                 wouldnt mind a copy of "beans on toast" if you got it, Who -NT - (boxley)
         You gonna rip/encode it all? - (folkert) - (3)
             Re: You gonna rip/encode it all? - (beepster) - (1)
                 I just... - (folkert)
             Considered it - (crazy)
         Ok, sold the ones I didn't care about - (crazy) - (2)
             Any Screaming Abdabs? - (Another Scott) - (1)
                 Nope - (crazy)

Not available in stores!
61 ms