Snow likely (100%) here tomorrow. Was 68F on Wednesday...
Well, here in Los Angeles . . .
. . we're heading back to the high 80s (low 90s in some spots). Snow is not in the forcast for this week.
How about that. ;-)
80 here Mon, snowed 8-12" Weds...
teens early thursday, 50s today, snow's almost gone. Lots of tree damage, tho. Just took a truckload of broken branches to the chipper.
Yeah, but we're only about 50' above sea level!
You folks up at altitude have an excuse. ;-)
They're now saying rain and snow, with 1-3" of snow. The earliest modern recorded snow around DC was a trace on October 5, 1892, so it's not unheard-of to have snow here in October, but it is unusual. Cheers, Scott. |