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New Different subject, but the law should be rewritten.
Given agreement on the basics, an appropriate law could be written. Before they get to the basics, however, they have to solve something involving waltzing angels and pins. I'm not hopeful.
New Well, there is that... ;-)
New 144 well known fact
used to be 150 but six got pulled off due to the burgeoning virgin supply crisis
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
     Expect Cain to plummet in the polls. - (Another Scott) - (29)
         Author is incorrect - (beepster) - (1)
             Re: Author is incorrect - (S1mon_Jester)
         Clown? - (SpiceWare) - (26)
             He's playing games. Like a clown. ;-) - (Another Scott) - (25)
                 Now you are incorrect, too. - (beepster) - (16)
                     Interesting that you can read his mind. ;-) -NT - (Another Scott) - (1)
                         Not a mind reader. - (beepster)
                     Nice try. - (mmoffitt) - (13)
                         Doesn't really matter - (beepster) - (7)
                             Careful. I said the same thing about Dubya. ;0) -NT - (mmoffitt)
                             No, that's a submarine statement - (crazy) - (5)
                                 That was a revision to the earlier statements - (beepster) - (4)
                                     No assumptions here - (crazy) - (3)
                                         On the other hand, his star is rising - (crazy) - (1)
                                             the board rooms like him and he isnt mormon - (boxley)
                                         Dupe - (crazy)
                         Two points. - (hnick) - (4)
                             Addendum. And I have a point for you. - (mmoffitt) - (3)
                                 Different subject, but the law should be rewritten. - (hnick) - (2)
                                     Well, there is that... ;-) -NT - (Another Scott)
                                     144 well known fact - (boxley)
                 hardly, your visceral dislike of black conservatives is - (boxley) - (7)
                     Heh. Nice try. - (Another Scott) - (6)
                         More. - (Another Scott) - (4)
                             about as usefull as an Obama Lawn Jockey - (boxley) - (3)
                                 ? I quoted him.... -NT - (Another Scott) - (2)
                                     referencing people who make shit up is republican as well -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                                         Heh. -NT - (Another Scott)
                         translation: - (lincoln)

You entered famous last wordsburg territory thinking along that line.
63 ms