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New Re: Las Vegas debates
1) It was fun watching Perry get his ass handed to him about immigration. You can tell that Romney is about as practiced as it gets with debates.

That is more or less why Perry's nomination is withering. He lacks even Bush's superficial everyman charm.

2) Similarly, Cain was getting dinged right and left about 9/9/9. Romney's pile-on was amusing. I understand what both sides are doing: Cain is getting frustrated that people are deliberately misunderstanding his plan, and the others are trying to cast it as another tax. The latter would backfire if people weren't generally credulous.

Which is doubly amusing because the plan is terrible even without misunderstanding it. But it's easier to misunderstand it and attack the straw man then provide real information.

3) What in the Nine Hells of Repression is Bachmann wearing? Is she the Admiral of Anti Atheism or something?

She would like to be. As her campaign has fallen apart, she has drifted further out on religious issues. To the point where she basically is now denying the concept of separation of church and state.

New One minor nit
As her campaign has fallen apart, she has drifted further out on religious issues. To the point where she basically is now denying the concept of separation of church and state.

I don't think it took her campaign to fall apart for her to drift on that. That has been one of her central issues.

"[Public schools] are teaching children that there is separation of church and state, and I am here to tell you that is a myth. That's not true," Bachmann said at the group's 2006 fundraiser in Minneapolis. "And they explain to children in the public school system what a myth that is. And that's what I love about this ministry ... We want kids to come to the truth and that's why this ministry is so absolutely vital. We need them in every public school classroom across the state to tell young people, You Can Run But You Cannot Hide."

New Ok, more public
Your right she has always been a right wing kook, but I get the impressions that as her campaign has faded she has been more open about it. She isn't even trying to appeal to the center any more, so she can say whatever she really believes or what will appeal to the extreme Christian right.

     Las Vegas debates - (malraux) - (5)
         Re: Las Vegas debates - (jay) - (2)
             One minor nit - (S1mon_Jester) - (1)
                 Ok, more public - (jay)
         Re: Las Vegas debates - (pwhysall)
         Re: Las Vegas debates - (lincoln)

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