Do you think that Obama could get a Finding signed off by all the various lawyers that declared that Rep. Allen West was an "unlawful enemy combatant" (, ignoring for the moment that the Obama administration gave up using that term,) so that he could be sent to Guantanamo? How about Box?

I don't.

Rank-in-file federal officials - the ones who would have to sign off on such findings - swear an oath to uphold the Constitution. The vast majority take that oath seriously. And the federal courts can and do step in when asked. (Things have changed and been clarified since the days of Addington, Gonzales and Yoo.)

Hyperbolic language about Obama having unlimited power to lock people up and/or kill them doesn't help. Obama isn't Assad.

Review Padilla's case - http://en.wikipedia....la_%28prisoner%29

My $0.02.
