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New On Republicants (or are they?)

In terms of recorded votes, the two bodies are as different as Times Square and the Everglades. Through September 15, the GOP House had voted 711 times. Meanwhile, across the same period, the Democratic Senate had only 137 recorded votes. So, the allegedly lethargic GOP legislators whose sloth dooms the nation actually are five times as energetic as their indolent counterparts in the Democratic Senate.

This distinction might discredit House Republicans if they wasted their time voting on National Apricot Yogurt Month and similar matters of national urgency. In fact, Republicans have approved serious legislation designed to get America moving.

“Our new majority has passed more than a dozen pro-growth measures designed to address the jobs crisis,” Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor wrote Obama on September 6. “Aside from repeal of the 1099-reporting requirement in the health care law, however, none of the jobs measures passed by the House to date have been taken up by the Democrat-controlled Senate.”

These have included bills to reduce anti-business regulations, accelerate offshore oil production, and speed the Keystone XL pipeline, which would carry Canadian oil to refineries in Texas. The pipeline alone would create 20,000 jobs.

Inconvenient truth?
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
New they keep passing legislation the dems dont like
doesnt count
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New Don't they feed the senate?
So the bills they work on might have to be voted on many times before it passes, and then goes to the senate. This seems like a silly comparison.
New That doesn't mean much
The House always has more votes then the Senate, and a count of the votes doesn't mean much to begin with, many are procedural votes. Statistics on actual bills passed would be more interesting, but even there this is a huge problem comparing them. The filibuster only applies to the Senate, and the House often exploits this by passing bills the House members know will never pass the Senate.

It would also appear that the current Democratic leadership is not inclined to put cloture votes up unless they think they have a chance of winning. This will further reduce the number of votes and bills passing the Senate.

These have included bills to reduce anti-business regulations, accelerate offshore oil production, and speed the Keystone XL pipeline, which would carry Canadian oil to refineries in Texas. The pipeline alone would create 20,000 jobs.

If that is the best examples he can come up with of Republican job bills, it should be obvious why there is a problem getting them passed in the Senate. Every single one is a pro-corporate bill that has been rebranded as a job bill.

New Re: That doesn't mean much
You mean like the senate prez who hasn't scheduled the Obama jobs bill that they were supposed to pass right away?

Their magical filibuster-Fu must be legend if it also works on reid's ability to schedule legislation
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
     On Republicants (or are they?) - (beepster) - (4)
         they keep passing legislation the dems dont like - (boxley)
         Don't they feed the senate? - (crazy)
         That doesn't mean much - (jay) - (1)
             Re: That doesn't mean much - (beepster)

Wow. I am just. Wow. Un-. Wow. You'd think...Nah. Wow.
68 ms