Dunno about Palin snippets.
Know why?
I'm pretty sure nothing she writes (or has ghost written) is worth the time taken away from, hmm, oh, I dunno.
So I won't be going for context there.
No point.
As far as the rest.
History of violence?
But they've done so much for their members.
And society as a whole.
Not that I excuse it, just it's pretty much the same story of the Catholic church, except the church has another level of pedophilia to damn it over.
Yet even I see some of the societal benefits of it.
So, do the holy wars define the church?
The ass raping priests?
Or the whole story?
Note: I'm not a rabid union supporter. They are simply better than the alternative, ie: people treated worse than animals, interchangeable pegs in the most inhumane conditions, yadda yadda yadda.
And no, it's not crap.
By the way, you are usually a bit more reserved (in your mild smirky snarky way) in the subject line. I hit a nerve or something?