OK, folks, here's a bit of a status update.
First, we're doing some work in the office where this server is housed. Over the past few weeks, we've torn down wallpaper from the 80's, repainted the entire room, and other minor things like that. This morning, I had to remove the carpeting, which required an unannounced outage. Friday, we're getting bamboo flooring installed. The server will be off most of the day so that the installers can work in there without having to move stuff around.
Also, when I plugged the server back in this morning, I upgraded from Maverick to Natty. That had a couple of minor issues, but nothing I couldn't handle. However, I've noticed that Postgres has been upgraded from 8.3 to 8.4. But these forums are still running on the 8.3 instance. So I need to figure out how to upgrade the database from 8.3 to 8.4. Yes, I'll make a backup first. No, I don't know when I'll be doing that.
At some point, I really should move us from Tomcat 5.5 to 6.0. I'll probably do that whenever I upgrade Postgres.
Finally, there's the matter of some of the code commits that Scott has made to the forum software. I'll get around to that as well, probably around the same time.
I know it's alot, but bear with me and I'll get us upgraded and running smoothly again. I hope that doing some or all of the above will help alleviate some of the issues that we've been seeing of late.